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Random Notes - Idle Thoughts

Random Note — The Classroom Freak-show

To the casual observer it’s quite apparent that those who used to loiter outside the school gate with degenerate and malign and malevolent intent, have tunnelled under the security fence and are now at the front of the class. They are quite simply the Jeffrey Epstein type groomers of our education system.

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Random Note — The Economy

Interesting to learn recently that ninety five percent of antibiotics in the United States are now manufactured in China. We can assume that it’s pretty much the same for Australia. But even if that’s not the case, just extending that line of thought, I find it...

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Random Note — Religious Discrimination Bill

I notice in the Sun Herald on Sunday that Muslim groups want added to the religious discrimination bill, a new civil remedy that would ‘make it unlawful to engage in conduct that would, or is likely to, harass, threaten, seriously intimidate or vilify a person or...

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Random Note — Chaos Theory Meets Coronavirus

Random Note — Chaos Theory Meets Coronavirus

This entire Coronavirus pandemic reminds me of Chaos Theory. Chaos Theory holds that when a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon it causes a tornado in Texas. Coronavirus, holds that when a man sneezes in China he causes fights and trolley rage over toilet paper in...

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Random Note — The coronavirus, some perspective

The Coronavirus epidemic is a real life lesson for the striking climate school kids and their infantilised adult enablers and manipulators who embarrass themselves while behaving  like giddy and hysterical  school girls cringingly  worshipping at the altar of St...

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