The first question I ask about this is, why? Whose idea is it, who is promoting it and what’s the purpose?
Does anyone seriously buy that it’s designed to spark dialogue about mental health and bullying? That line is straight from the script of Roz Ward who designed and implemented Victoria’s Safe Schools program.
I mean who could possibly argue with and stand in the way of a mental health and bullying program? And that is why its framed and characterised the way it is and as something that its not.
Why the obsession with sex and gender and this cross dressing, drag queen and freak show stuff via programs like this and the Safe Schools programs in primary schools and targeted specifically at mainly prepubescent kids?
To the casual observer it’s quite apparent that those who used to loiter outside the school gate with degenerate, malign and malevolent intent, have tunnelled under the security fence and are now at the front of the class.
It occurs to me that the cover for this kind of perverted deviancy is that these kinds of programs get in under the wire because they fall within some twisted distortion of ‘diversity and inclusion’.
These buzz words having been introduced for honourable reasons into to the political debate as far back as the 1970’s in the US on the back of the civil rights and affirmative action movements have been totally trashed, weaponised and hijacked and now are applied to every kind of miscreant and misfit program in more recent years and this is just another example.
Everyone knows and clearly understands what’s going on here.
The only reason you would introduce this kind of program or material into schools while the kids are already going through or about to go the discombobulating years of puberty and not wait for them to fully mature and make their own informed decisions about who and what they are, are the same motivating forces and marketing reasons McDonalds target kids.
In a few words, to carve out a marketing niche and ‘get ‘em while they’re young’.
That is what it’s all about.
All the disingenuous appeals to diversity and inclusion are just so much sophistry within the matrix of gender and identity politics and should fool no one.
The idea is to deliberately try to further throw them off balance and confuse them and sow seeds of doubt at a malleable age as to their identity and offering an alternative in the hope of promoting and growing the GLBTIQ constituency.
Why not go full on inclusion with programs on pole dancing and sado-masochism. What about career choices as a stripper or prostitution (sex worker) or for boys, as a male escort. Then there’s the career choice of pornography as an art form or for the enterprising and ambitious young male seeking a pathway to fund his way through university, there’s always the rent-boy option.
These kinds of programs have absolutely no place in schools and are in their own way, a form of grooming and those allowing it and promoting it are no better than pimps for paedophiles.
They are quite simply the Jeffrey Epsteins of our education system.