“..Facts are powerful. But look around at political and social commentary today. The use of real facts to prosecute an argument is the exception, not the rule. Instead, we get what people “think”.
Commentary is drowning in think bubbles. Repetitive use of the phrase “I think… I think” permeates just about every live political panel, political interview and on air social commentary.
The awful repetition of the phrase “I think” — as the speaker desperately gathers together their thoughts — is embarrassingly followed by a shambolic collection of perception, personal theories, guesswork and sometimes stuff that is simply made up. It’s because the panelist-famous-for-being-a-panelist rarely has a real skill or knowledge set.
Watch “The Drum”, “QandA”, or even, on occasion, Insiders. They are awash with the “I think” crowd and their feelpinions…” The return of facts, and their habit of destroying lazy arguments