You have to read this first sentence a second time. “..Dan McDonald is being fined $112,000 for harvesting HIS OWN fodder to feed his cattle.
This is all about shoring up inner city Brisbane seats and harvesting Green votes for Labor.
That is, farmers being sacrificed at the altar of Gaia and Green ideology. Here the McDonald story here
“…A Dan McDonald, a Queensland farmer is fighting more than $112,000 in fines after harvesting his own fodder to feed his cattle in drought.
Dan McDonald operates his own cattle grazing business north-west of Charleville that is reliant on mulga. He’s being prosecuted for an offence characterised as ”carrying out development without a permit”.
“Like any grazier that would buy grasslands, in this part of the world we buy the vegetation, that is mulga, to feed our cattle.
“We invest our equity, our blood sweat and tears, into purchasing this vegetation and now we’re being stopped from doing that…”
As you will see in this four minute video, A Story From The Heart Of Queensland, with legislation before the Qld government, treating a noxious weed for example is regarded as broad scale clearing.
The Chief Scientist, Dr Bill Burrows who prepared the report for the Queensland government arrived at the conclusion which was the exact opposite of what the government wanted the report to say so the government is proceeding on it’s predetermined course regardless of the damage done with no compensation.
The Queensland government admits that it has not done any analysis of the economic or social impacts of the proposed laws and has no intention of doing so.
This is all about shoring up inner city Brisbane seats and harvesting Green votes for Labor. That is, farmers being sacrificed at the altar of Green ideology.
This story is an absolute disgrace. I’m ashamed to call myself Australian.