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Random Notes - Idle Thoughts

Random Note #198,764 — Values, what are they?

These twin virtues hold that all cultures are equal when they’re clearly not, and therefore all cultural practices and concomitant values are also equal and entitled to respect and automatically accepted and adopted as part of our core values without scrutiny, comment, judgement or criticism.

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Cultural Feminism Betrays Women — Quadrant Online

The left will use any weapon at hand to wage the culture wars even to the extent of betraying what they say they believe in. “..Since cultural identity is said to play a more pervasive role in the lives of certain minority groups, cultural feminists argue that the individual members of such groups should be accorded special rights (privileges) lest their minority status be endangered by the dominant culture. Any criticism of cultural or religious practices—including female genital mutilation and forced marriage—is summarily dismissed as a form of “colonialist imperialism..”

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What Thinking Australians Are Thinking

Australians are being taken for a ride by identity politics and its bedmate political correctness. Together, these comprise a fatal disease that is destroying our great society and other democracies around the world.

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Le Pen ‘far right’? Mon Dieu, such liars! — Peter Smith, Quadrant

You would think that French deplorables would want to put France first. You would think that they might want to try something new. Things are not exactly going well. Unemployment in France is 10 per cent. Youth unemployment is over 23%. The ratio of government debt to GDP is running at 96% and the budget is in deficit by about 3.5%. Economic growth is anaemic at about 1%. The deficit on international trade is wide. All is not well on the economic front. Then there is the Muslim front.

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Forget the fake patriotism and get working on debt — Jennifer Oriel, The Australian

Numerous polls demonstrate Australians’ desire for debt reduc­tion and fiscal repair. However, when government tries to reduce spending, the ABC’s fake news pushers frame spending cuts as unneeded or ideologically ­driven. The public broadcaster is often criticised for bias but it is ­unconscionable to mislead the public about the desperate need to reduce government spending and pay down debt.

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The rise and rise of Erdogan — Zero Hedge

Things are working out well in Turkey I see. “..Erdogan decided to take his newly decreed powers for a spin and overnight in rapid succession surprised foreign observers when Turkey decreed that it would ban TV dating shows, fire an additional 4,000 public officials and also ban Wikipedia..”

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